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Fractional CFO

Helping you navigate the complexities of financial management

Most businesses under $50M in revenue are easily supported with a fractional outsourced CFO. We can bring a wealth of cost-effective expertise to you without the full-time commitment. We engage with businesses at all stages of development, revenue levels, and industries. Solving critical pain points is our primary area of focus. 

Our engagements can be long-term and fractional (part-time) in nature or for a defined period to solve a pressing issue, provide temporary leadership, or to assist with exit or acquisition opportunities. From optimizing cash flow and implementing effective budgeting strategies to providing invaluable insights for informed decision-making, a fractional CFO is dedicated to maximizing your financial efficiency. Let Rourke Group help you navigate the complexities of financial management with customized, scalable, and results-driven solutions. 

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5 Benefits of A Part-Time CFO

Contact us now to learn how we can help your business level-up!


Expert Financial Guidance 

A fractional CFO brings a wealth of financial expertise to the table, offering strategic guidance tailored to your business. With a deep understanding of financial nuances, we can navigate complex fiscal challenges, optimize budgets, and ensure your business is on a path to financial success. 


Strategic Decision-Making 

We don’t just crunch numbers— we play a pivotal role in shaping strategic decisions. By analyzing financial data, identifying trends, and offering insights, we empower business leaders to make informed choices that align with long-term goals, fostering a more sustainable and resilient enterprise. 


Cost-Effective Solution 

A fractional CFO provides a cost-effective alternative, allowing you to access top-tier financial talent without the expense of a full-time salary, benefits, and other overhead costs. 


Scalability and Flexibility 

Business needs fluctuate, and a fractional CFO offers the flexibility to scale our services according to your requirements. Whether you need assistance with a specific project, during a critical growth phase, or on an ongoing basis, a fractional arrangement ensures you get the support you need when you need it. 


Risk Mitigation and Compliance 

Navigating financial regulations and ensuring compliance can be a daunting task. A fractional CFO brings a comprehensive understanding of financial regulations, reducing the risk of non-compliance and potential legal issues. Our expertise ensures that your financial practices align with industry standards, promoting a secure and ethical financial environment for your business.

First 90 Days with A Fractional CFO

The role of a CFO, whether full-time or fractional, is vital to the financial health and success of an organization. In the first 90 days, a CFO’s approach and actions can set the stage for long-term success and alignment with the organization’s goals. Regular check-ins between the CFO and CEO are the key to ensuring alignment and achieving the desired financial outcomes.


Here’s a breakdown of what to expect from a CFO during this crucial period:

individuals discussing and working on finances

Audit Existing Processes 

Before even looking at data and numbers themselves, your CFO needs to understand where they come from. Is the data reliable, complete, and up to date? The biggest goal here isn’t even to make changes. That comes later. Today, we simply need the full picture of company processes on which we will make recommendations. 

Identify Urgent Needs 

It’s critical in the early days to create a sort of triaging system. Build a simple matrix that balances the status of the problem with its urgency and impact: 

  • Status: 1. Broken; 2. Will break; 3. To improve; 4. No issue 

  • Urgency: 1. First 90 days; 2. First 180 days; 3. First year; 4. Future 

  • Impact:1. Major; 2. Medium; 3. Minor; 4. Zero 

Get Familiar with The Financials 

Naturally, your CFO needs to understand the company’s financial position and unit economics. The main areas to think about: 

  • Historic actuals 

  • Forecasts 

  • Cash flow 

  • Accounting procedures 

  • Audit headaches 

Set The Finance Function’s Roadmap  

We will build a 12-month framework, that will include: 

  • KPIs and performance markers 

  • Hiring 

  • New processes 

  • Automation 

Build Relationships 

Your CFO will meet with people from your different internal teams to understand their challenges and explain how the fractional CFO can support them. 

Additionally, we are able to forge relationships with external stakeholders such as key suppliers, bankers, the board and investors. 

Comprehend The Culture  

Startups and small businesses all have their own cultures. Your CFO will want to understand and recognize the role the team has had in building the company thus far, and learn your unique rules of engagement. 

At the same time, your CFO might be brought in at times of change. The company may be growing and the culture may already be changing. Your CFO can help a young startup mature, manage acceleration and formalize operations. 

5 Reasons to Hire A Fractional CFO

Are you looking to scale your business to the next level? Or do you find yourself wishing you could easily connect with professional financial advice when considering a new business direction or opportunity? Take your company to the next level by tapping into the strategic guidance and financial acumen of a fractional Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

How A Part-Time CFO Can Help Your Business

individual in nice shirt and tie going over financing
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